

Karmic journeys

If you came to this page you probably went through a numerology diagnosis or a diagnosis through the Native American color wheel.
You are ready for the next step in your growth and development process.

The challenges in our lives prevent us from realizing who we really are. They cause us to be unauthentic, prevent us from being true to ourselves, they cause us to deviate from our soul path and then we make processes inconsistent with our values, our desires, our dreams ... they throw us off balance and place us in the place of sacrifices which means we are not Taking responsibility for our lives.

Every experience we have stems from some lesson we must learn. Many times our lessons stem from our actions in previous incarnations that have left us with an untreated emotional imprint. A pattern that repeats itself over and over again and therefore becomes karma. Karma that accompanies us, the same energy that drives our lives, until the moment we understand and change our patterns / habits. Each and his lessons. Lessons that actually our soul has chosen to go through.

Karma is basically our spiritual curriculum and is the reason we roll. Learn and evolve.
Each person has their own karma. One could say the personal development trajectory of that person.

Most of the lessons we choose for ourselves are not simple challenges. They are ways through which our soul learns, grows and develops and realizes its karma.
So after we understand what our soul choices are, what lessons it has chosen to learn from and evolve, we through a karmic journey learn in depth about the same energy, what impact it has on our lives, on all areas of life, and when we are conscious we have the ability to choose to change the pattern Karmic or stay on the same path we have lived all our lives.
In the journey we learn in depth the lessons and their impact on every area of our lives, we learn to change thought and behavior patterns that are no longer compatible with our choices and actually change consciousness from inhibiting consciousness to creative consciousness. A clear consciousness that creates a new reality that conforms to our goals and desires and from a place of control over the karmic energy and not the other way around.

Understanding karma, taking responsibility for life, and controlling it out of a desire to have a positive impact on life - promote our life to a place of satisfaction, development, growth and joy and success in every area of life.

A journey to find a relationship

Yaakovi Nesher Solan is a master in numerology
And a senior lecturer with academic degrees in the fields of business administration, numerology, Bach flowers, alternative medicine and more.
Author and author of books in numerology and tarot.
Interview with Yaakovi Nesher Solan

Mind-emotional therapy

If you are experiencing upheavals and emotionally overwhelmed, if something in you calls for awakening to a new path, a change of attitude and a different perspective-
Through the 'Wall Code' method, you and I will discover together the life lessons that led brick after brick to building a wall that kept you from getting hurt. We will examine the gap created between the existing and the desired, between the desire and reality and we will understand what prevents you from achieving what you want.
We will learn to know the hidden behind the visible and develop into a place of impact on life, we will go through processes to get a high point of view, release painful emotions, learn what lessons run our lives, change patterns and move forward to create a new story from a broader perspective.
I would love to walk with you on the journey,
Red 054-6955534
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